Sensitivity of a Bowing Mesoscale Convective System to Horizontal Grid Spacing in a Convection-Allowing Ensemble

The vice and virtue of increased horizontal resolution in ensemble forecasts of tornadic thunderstorms in low-CAPE, high-shear environments

Predictability of Idealized Thunderstorms in Buoyancy--Shear Space

Advancing from convection-allowing NWP to Warn-on-Forecast: Evidence of Progress

Adapting the SAL method to evaluate reflectivity forecasts of summer precipitation in the central United States

On Contrasting Ensemble Simulations of Two Great Plains Bow Echoes

Analysis of the 1 December 2011 Wasatch Downslope Windstorm

Ensemble Forecast Uncertainty of the 1 December 2011 Wasatch Windstorm

Multiple bands near fronts in VHF wind-profiling radar and radiosonde data

Classifying fronts in data from a VHF wind‐profiling radar

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